June 3, 2011

Foto Friday

Wow! I am so sorry I have not been blogging lately. My daddy's cousin came to visit and we were really busy and then we have had tons of rain and I just got lazy. Well really mom was the lazy one, but don't tell her I told you! Promise?

So for this Foto Friday here is a little preview of what I have been doing....

Lots of road trips....

I met a new friend...

I went to a bar in Boqueron.... (update: Read about it HERE.)

I stayed at another human hotel....


I did sleep a bunch...I guess I was a little lazy after all! Good news though, all the rest allowed my paw to completely heal and I am ready for more adventures and blogging!

Until we bark again,


  1. you are looking very cool my big spotted friend - did you get to take a swim in the pool?

  2. wooooo mate! Love the beach picture:) All we have around here is the stinky river- not too much fun. Play bows,


  3. Hi Branson, glad you are back. You must be a good boy to stay at hotels with mum and dad. Take care big fella. No worries, love Carol.

  4. We missed you, keep us updated - that human hotel looked cool!


  5. Thanks Carol and Two Grad Students!


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